Meyerke mayn zun

 Rabbi Levi Itschak of Berdichev

[See lecture: Mothers and Fathers, which includes
 a parody of this song: Nokhemke, mayn zun]

- Meyerke, mayn zun (x3)- Meyerke, my son, 
Tsi veystu ver du bist? (x2)Do you know who you are? 
- Hineni he'ani mima'as, tatenyu. (x3)- "Here I am, impoverished of deeds", Father
- Meyerke, mayn zun (x3)- Meyerke, my son (x3) 
Tsi veystu far vemen du shteyst? (x2)Do you know Whom you stand before?
- Lifnei melech mal'chei ham'lachim, tatenyu.- "Before the King, King of Kings", Father.
- Meyerke, mayn zun (x3)- Meyerke, my son (x3) 
Vos vilstu oysbetn bay im? (x2)What do you wish to ask of Him? (x2)
- Banai chayai mezoni *, tatenyu.- "My children, my life, my sustenance * ", Father. 
- Meyerke, mayn zun (x3)- Meyerke, my son (x3) 
Tsu vos darfstu banai? (x2)Why do you need sons? (x2)
- Banim oskim batorah, tatenyu.- "Sons are devoted to the Torah", Father.  
- Meyerke, mayn zun (x3)- Meyerke, my son (x3) 
Tsu vos darfstu chayai? (x2)Why do you need life (x2)
- Kol hachayim yoducha, tatenyu."Everything alive will gratefully acknowledge You", Father
- Meyerke, mayn zun (x3)- Meyerke, my son (x3) 
Tsu vos darfstu mezoni? (x2)Why do you need sustenance? (x2)
- Ve'achalta vesavata uverachta, tatenyu.- "And you shall eat, and you shall be satisfied, and you shall bless", Father.



* The father asks questions in Yiddish, and the son replies in Hebrew, quoting religious scriptures. In particular, the son asks for "banai, chayai, mezoni" [sons, life and sustenance] - Talmud, Mo'ed Katan, 28a - for an interpretation, scroll down to #3.