Mansanica corelada

[Red apple]

See Lecture: "Sephardic Food"

Mansanica corelada Red apple
llena de su color full of color
Por adientro guzinaco From within a little worm
comiendo'l corason. eats its core.
L'amor es un'alfinete Love is a thorn
que puncha'l corason. that punches the heart.
Non como, no bevo, non durmo, I don't eat, I don't drink, I don't sleep,
pensando en el amor. thinking of love.
Pasi por la tu puerta, I passed by your door,
mi corason batio. my heart was beating.
Non como, no bevo, non durmo, I don't eat, I don't drink, I don't sleep,
pensando en el amor. thinking of love.
L'amor es una flama Love is a flame
que quema'l corason, that burns the heart.
que non se puede amatalda It cannot be extinguished
con aqua de la mar. with the waters of the sea.

Source: "The Bride Unfastens Her Braids, The Groom Faints" - Disk by Etty Ben-Zaken