Tsvey shayles

[Two questions]

Also entitled "Tayerer rebenyu" [Dear Rabbi]

See Lecture: "Ashkenazi Food"


- Tayerer rebenyu, oy rebe Reb Shneyer,- Dear Rabbi, oh, Rabbi Shneyer,
Oy, a tsore a groyse hot mir getrofn zeyer.Oh, a terrible thing has happened to me:
Di shkheyne shikse, a make ir in kepl,The gentile woman next door, a plague on her head,
Hot arayngeton di milkh in fleyshikn tepl.Went and put the milk in the meat cup.
Bin ikh gekumen, rebenyu, tsu dir oyf a vayle,I have come to you, Rabbi, for a while,
Du zolst mir paskenen di dozike shayle.That you might rule on this question for me.
Der rebe hot ufgehoybn di oygn tsu GotThe rabbi raised his eyes to God
Un hot gemakht a gantsn mishpot.And pronounced a judgement.
- Oy, dos tepl tu a gutn vash, oy,- Oh, give the cup a good wash, oh,
Un tu dos oykh a gutn rayb, oy,And give it a good rub, too, oh,
Du zolst zikh gor nisht foyln,Don't be lazy,
Gli dos oys oyf koyln.Heat it over coals.
In der end zolstu dos araynshtekn,Bury it in the ground,
Mit shtroy zolstu dos badekn.Cover it with straw.
Vet es mirsehem,In a year, God willing,
Oy, iber a yor kosher vern.It will be kosher.
- Tayerer rebenyu, oy rebe Reb Shneyer,- Dear Rabbi, oh, Rabbi Shneyer,
Oy, a tsore a groyse hot mir getrofn zeyer.Oh, a terrible thing has happened to me.
Di shkheyne shikse, a make ir in ponim,The gentile woman next door, a plague on her face,
Iz gevorn mit mayn man gor gantse mekhutonim.Has become very familiar with my husband.
Bin ikh gekumen, rebenyu, tsu dir oyf a vayle,So I have come to you, dear Rabbi, for a while,
Du zolst mir paskenen di dozikhe shayle.That you might rule on this question for me.
Der rebe hot ufgehoybn di oygn tsu GotThe rabbi raised his eyes to God
Un hot memakht a gantsn mishpot.And pronounced a judement.
- Oy, dem man zolstu gibn a gutn vash, oy,- Oh, give the man a good wash, oh,
Un tu im oykh a gutn rayb, oy,And give him a good rub, too, oh,
Du zolst zikh gor nisht foyln,Don't be lazy,
Gli im oys oyf koyln,Heat him over coals,
In der erd zolstu im araynshtekn,Bury him in the ground,
Mit shtroy zolstu im badekn,Cover him with straw.
Vet er mirsheshem,In a year, God willing,
Oy, iber a yor kosher vern.He will be kosher.

Source:  Rebecca kaplan & Pete Rushefsky, "Oyf di Vegelekh" - CD