Merenda de Hanuka

[A Hanukkah snack]

See lecture: Sephardic Food

Here are several versions of the song "Aqui mos venimos" [Here we come]. The first is a shortened version with a refrain; it's followed by a longer version with an answer to the children's requests: "Y venía la rubisa" [And here comes the rabbi's wife].

Y aquí mos venimos,And here we come,
Un hijico mos trujimos,We are bringing a boy,
Meldador y escribano,A scholar and a scribe,
Con la péndola'n la mano.With a pen in his hand.
Ya mos dan,Give us,
Ya mos dan,Give us,
El Dio vos dé beraha.God will give you a blessing.
Damos un ajico,Give us some garlic,
Qu'el Dio vos dé un hijico;So that God will give you a boy;
Damos una cebollica,Give us an onion,
Qu'el Dio vos dé una hijica;So that God will give you a girl.
Ya mos dan,Give us,
Ya mos dan,Give us,
El Dio vos dé beraha.God will give you a blessing.
Damos carbónGive us coal
Qu'el Dio vos dé un hijo varon,So that God will give you a fine lad.
Damos harina,Give us flour
Qu'el Dio que mos dé la vida;So that God will give you life.
Ya mos dan,Give us,
Ya mos dan,Give us,
El Dio vos dé beraha.God will give you a blessing.

*     *     *     *     *

Aquí mos venimosHere we come,
Un hijico mos trujimosWe are bringing a boy,
Meldador y escribano,A scholar and a scribe,
Con la péndola 'en la mano.With a pen in his hand.
Damos aceite,Give us oil,
el Dio que vo dé un presente;God will give you a present;
Damos harina,Give us flour,
El Dio que mos dé vidas;God will grant us life;
Damos un ajico,Give us a bit of garlic,
El Dio vos dé un hijico;God will give you a boy;
Damos una cebollica,Give us a little onion,
El Dio vos dé una hijica;God will give you a girl;
Damos carbón,Give us coal,
Dio vos da un hijico ladrón;God will give you a young thief;
Damos azúcar,Give us sugar,
Damos que mos queremos a ir.Give us because we want to go. 
Viva el hajam con los talmidim.Long live the wise man and the pupils.
*     *     *     *     *
Y venía la rubisa,And the rabbi's wife is coming,
Tomaba la harina y la azúcar,bringing the flour and the sugar,
Y hacía halvá,And she's made halva,
Le daba a los hijicosShe gives it to the boys
Cada uno un pedacico,Each one of whom is a scholar
Y decían berajá:And they make a blessing:
Cada año mejorado,May you have a successful year!
Hanuka sameah!Happy Hanukkah!
Viva el hahamLong live the rabbi
Con la rubisa y los talmidim!And the rabbi's wife and the pupils!

Source: S. Weich-Shahak (Seminar at Bar-Ilan University)