
[See lecture: Shabbat]

Two songs with similar melodies

1.  Shabes,  by  Mikhl Gelbart
(on the disk "Vessel of Song" by the Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble)

Shabes, shabes,     Sabbath, Sabbath,
zol zayn shabes,     let there be Sabbath
Shabes af der velt!     Sabbath throughout the world!


2. Shabes, shabes - Folksong
(as sung on the video by Wolf Krakowski and copied from the lyrics accompanying his disk "Gilgul" [Transmigrations])

Shabes, shabes,  Sabbath, sabbath,
shabes, shabes, shabes,  sabbath, sabbath, sabbath
Zol zayn, yidn, shabes,  Jews, may there be sabbath,
Shabes zol zayn, shabes zol zayn,  May there be sabbath
Shabes oyf der gantse velt!  throughout the world!
Yontev, yontev, ...  Jewish festivals, festivals, ... 
Sholem, sholem, ...  Peace, peace, ...

Frayheyt, frayheyt, ...

  Freedom, freedom
Shabes, shabes, ...  Sabbath, sabbath, ...
Frayheyt zol zayn,  May there be freedom,
Sholem zol zayn,  May there be peace,
Yontev zol zayn,  May there be festivals,
Freylekh zol zayn,  May there be joy,
Likhtik zol zayn,  May there be light,
Rakhmones zol zayn,  May there be compassion,
Shabes oyf der gantse velt!  Sabbath throughout the world!


Other variations on this song:

Mames / tates / bobes / zeydes, ...  [Mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers]