A beymele

[A little tree]

Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman

See lecture: Tree of Life

A beymele, a beymele A little tree, a little tree,
Hob ikh mir farzetst. I have planted.
Gegrobn mit der lopete I have dug with my spade,
Mit vaser es banetst. And watered it.
     Vaksn vet dos beymele      The tree will grow
     Mit ale in a rey,      With all of them in a row,
     Biz se vet dos beymele      Until this little tree
     Vern a boym vi zey.      Will be as big as them all.
Feygelekh af tsvaygelekh Birds on the branches
Zingen "Tri-li-li, Sing "Tri-li-li,
Vu geystu, meydele, Where are you going, little girl,
Zog nor, vu ahin?" Tell us, where?"
     "Kloybn vil ikh yagdelekh,      "I'll gather berries,
     Raysn blimelekh,      I'll pick flowers
     Unter mayn kleyn beymele      Under my little tree
     Vil ikh leygn zikh".      I'll lie down."
Shu-shu-shu un sha-sha-sha "Shu-shu-shu and sha-sha-sha",
Redt tsu mir der vald, Says the forest,
"Shteyst dervayl nokh, meydele, In the meantime you're standing
Mit der lopete in hant". With a spade in your hand."
Shu-shu-shu un sha-sha-sha      "Shu-shu-shu and sha-sha-sha",
Redt tsu mir der vald,      Says the forest,
"Shteyst dervayl nokh, meydele,      In the meantime you're standing
Mit der lopete in hant".      With a spade in your hand."

Source:  Schaechter-Gottesmann, Beyle. Fli, mayn flishlang! [Fly, my kite!]. New York, 1999.